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I've been working with audio since 1999 in a multitude of capacities, from Audio Post-Production for Film and TV, to Music Composition, Radio Commercial Production, Radio Theater, Podcasts, Animation Sound Design, Interactive Multimedia, Dubbing, Audio Documentaries and Video Production. I've worked on thousands of productions - too many to list! But below, find a few productions that I am most proud of,....

My Hero is you

In this episode of our podcast, By Kids For Kids Story Time, we teamed up with the IASC, under the United Nations and World Health Organisation to produce a podcast about the Coronavirus. What made this special is that we sourced kids from each continent, all of whom contributed to a truly global episode about an important global issue.

Lilith's Quest

In this episode we teamed up with a wonderful organisation, We challenged kids from around the world to write a script about an issue that we take very seriously, Climate Change. We had an overwhelming response from kids all around the world. The winning script was Lilith's Quest, which we published in 2019.

The Greatest Game......with Stephen Fry

By Kids For Kids Story Time is strictly performed by kids. No adults! However! When an opportunity to collaborate with the legendary Stephen Fry came along, we had to bend the rules!

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